Psalm 17:6-10

12 05 2020 Psalm 17 6 thru 10.jpg

Today we are reading Psalm 17.
As we read, these verses stood out to me:

Psalm 17:6-10 - I have called upon You, for You will answer me, God; Incline Your ear to me, hear my speech. 7 Show Your wonderful faithfulness, Savior of those who take refuge at Your right hand From those who rise up against them. 8 Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings 9 From the wicked who deal violently with me, My deadly enemies who surround me. 10 They have closed their unfeeling hearts, With their mouths they speak proudly.

Please, take some time to Share Your Thoughts With Us as they relate to this passage.

You can share anything that is on your heart but, if you don't know where to start, try reading these verses and answering one or more of the following "Honest Questions."

Honest Questions

1. If you were to take what you know of the attributes of God and turn them into a prayer or a song how would it sound?

2. Do you remember the Delirious? song, "I could sing of your love forever"? Does Psalm 17:6-10 remind you of that song? What other songs does it remind you of?

3. Do you think of yourself as an emotional person? Do you think of that as something to be proud of or ashamed of? Why?

4. What role does your heart play in your walk of faith?

5. What are some of the most frequent ways that you express your love for God or His people?

6. Look at Psalm 17:10. Would you normally think of having an "unfeeling heart" as a description of wickedness? Do you find that description to be comforting or convicting when thinking about the condition of your own heart?

7. What is one way you have seen God act on behalf of other people that you would like to see in your own life or in the lives of your children?

8. When you think about the testimony of God in the Scripture. What are some of your favorite stories? Where can we go to find stories like that in our current culture?

9. What is was your favorite verse in Psalm 17 and why?

10. Do you have any specific questions or prayer requests after reading Psalm 17?

We use our Basic Bible Reading plan to guide the discussions in this group.

You are not required to purchase one of our plans to be part of this group but, if you would like to get one for yourself or one of your friends you can do so by following this link to our online store:



Psalm 18:30-36


Psalm 16:1-6