About Us

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I grew up thinking that the Bible was a book written by someone who wanted to control people with fear. I held on to this belief system until I was about 20 years old. At the time I was attending the Art Institute in Denver, Colorado. Although I loved the program I was participating in, many of the other details of my life were spinning out of control. In December of 1995 I went to see my paternal grandparents for Christmas. While there they asked me to move to their farm, escape some of the trouble I was getting into, and establish a solid financial footing from which I could reenter school and return to what I believed I wanted to do with my life.

While living with my grand parents they required me to attend Sunday morning worship services with them. I also had the opportunity to watch my grandmother study the Bible early in the morning. In order to escape some boredom of the farm and with a strong desire to develop a deeper relationship with my grand mother, I started reading the Bible. I had attended church enough to know that I didn’t want to read the Old Testament so, I started reading in Matthew. I read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John with out really understanding or caring very much about the stories I was reading. Then it happened! As I read Acts 1:1 the letters of the Bible jumped off of the page and into my heart. I went to my grandmother and asked her, “Why does the author use this phrase in the middle of the book?” “Isn’t this a weird place for him to introduce the reason for his writing?” “Why would the author wait this long to tell the reader why he was writing this book?” “Why would any one read something written as poorly as the Bible.” “This book is so stupid.” “Nana, Why do you read it?

Graciously my grand mother answered me, “Chris, do you think the Bible is a book?” (of course I did, duh!) “The Bible is not a book, Chris. The Bible is a theological library. It is a collection of 66 different books written by various authors from various countries in various languages and spanning a period of several thousand years.”

My mind was blown!

The things I had been “taught” about the Bible might not be true. If what I “know to be true” is not true, how many other things have I misunderstood? Would the Bible make more sense if I went back and read it with an open mind?

That is exactly what I did. I started reading my Bible with an open mind in 1995. I have not stopped sense. Even now, after 25 years of study. As you will see, I am full of curiosity when it comes to the things of God and His word. There fore I created this website to share some of what I have learned with any one who is interested. I have been dreaming of this work for a long time but, I finally started creating something of significant value in December 2019.

Today, I can say with confidence that the School of the Word exists to Inspire people to read the Bible for themselves and to help them share what they learn with the world.

I hope this website and the services we provide will be a blessing to everyone who comes in contact with it. We are always trying to improve the services we provide. Feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions, questions, or complaints.

God bless you,
Chris Craig
Founder of The School of the Word