Psalm 23:1-6

12 11 2020 Psalm 23 1 thru 6.jpg

Today we are reading Psalm 23.
As we read, these verses stood out to me:

Psalm 23:1-6 - The Lord is my shepherd, I will not be in need. 2 He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. 3 He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For the sake of His name. 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. 6 Certainly goodness and faithfulness will follow me all the days of my life, And my dwelling will be in the house of the Lord forever.

Please, take some time to Share Your Thoughts with Us as they relate to this passage.

You can share anything that is on your heart but, if you don't know where to start, try reading these verses and answering one or more of the following "Honest Questions."

Honest Questions

1. Do you think it is amazing that all 6 verses of Psalm 23 can fit onto something as small as the notecards I created for our "verse of the day?"

2. I think of David as both a wonderful and a horrible man. It is so fascinating to me that God chose to use a man like that to write so many poems/songs. Do you think of the arts as being an expression of masculinity and godliness?

3. In your opinion what is the "subject" of the 23rd Psalm?

4. In what ways can you most relate to this understanding David has of the nature of God?

5. When you think about the author of the 23rd Psalm do you think of it as something thought of by David about God or by God about God?

6. Imagine how faithful God is being to David when God shares these types of thoughts/words with a man whose mind probably naturally went in so many different directions? Are you willing to ask God to control your mind/thoughts? Is it right to want God to have that sort of power in your life? Do you think God wants that sort of power in your life?

7. How much of your life is spent in fear? Are you particularly scared, worried, or anxious about any thing right now?

8. If you could receive comfort, sustenance, anointing, blessing, mercy, or a sense of God's presence in this season of your life which would you choose and why?

9. What is was your favorite verse in Psalm 23 and why?

10. Do you have any specific questions or prayer requests after reading Psalm 23?

We use our Basic Bible Reading plan to guide the discussions in this group.

You are not required to purchase one of our plans to be part of this group but, if you would like to get one for yourself or one of your friends you can do so by following this link to our online store:



Psalm 24:1-6


Psalm 22:27-31