Psalm 28:5-9

12 17 2020 Psalm 27 4 thru 8.jpg

Today we are reading Psalm 28.
As we read, these verses stood out to me:

Psalm 28:5-9 - Because they do not regard the works of the Lord Nor the deeds of His hands, He will tear them down and not build them up. 6 Blessed be the Lord, Because He has heard the sound of my pleading. 7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart triumphs, And with my song I shall thank Him. 8 The Lord is their strength, And He is a refuge of salvation to His anointed. 9 Save Your people and bless Your inheritance; Be their shepherd also, and carry them forever.

Please, take some time to Share Your Thoughts with Us as they relate to this passage.

You can share anything that is on your heart but, if you don't know where to start, try reading these verses and answering one or more of the following "Honest Questions."

Honest Questions

1. When was the last time you got outside, looked around, and enjoyed some aspect of creation?

2. When you think of the most incredible aspects of creations what comes to your mind?

3. As a general rule would you be more enamored with nature, people, the Word of God, or the Spirit of God?

4. Do you ever think about how counter productive our lives would be if the Lord was tearing our deeds down instead of building them up?

5. Do you think of God as One who is opposing you, supporting you, indifferent to you, or something else?

6. When did you first say with confidence, " my heart trusts in God?"

7. What is one of your favorite songs that expresses thanksgiving to God? Would you be willing to post a link to a YouTube version of that song and tell the world around you why you like it so much?

8. Read Psalm 28:9. Imagine for a second that God is your shepherd and that He is happy to "carry you forever." How does that make you feel? Do you know anyone who might be blessed by remembering that truth today?

9. What is was your favorite verse in Psalm 28 and why?

10. Do you have any specific questions or prayer requests after reading Psalm 28?

We use our Basic Bible Reading plan to guide the discussions in this group.

You are not required to purchase one of our plans to be part of this group but, if you would like to get one for yourself or one of your friends you can do so by following this link to our online store:



Luke 1:1-4


Psalm 27:4-8