Romans 3:27-31

02 10 2021 Romans 3  27 thru 31.jpg

Today we are reading Romans 3.

As we read, these verses stood out to me:

Romans 3:27-31 - Where then is boasting? It has been excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith. 28 For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from works of the Law. 29 Or is God the God of Jews only? Is He not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also, 30 since indeed God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith is one. 31 Do we then nullify the Law through faith? Far from it! On the contrary, we establish the Law.

Please, take some time to Share Your Thoughts with Us as they relate to this passage.

You can share anything that is on your heart but, if you don't know where to start, try reading these verses and answering one or more of the following "Honest Questions."

Honest Questions

1. Romans 3:1-2 have been some of my favorite verses for years. How have you seen the word of God help you in this life? Do you feel like reading it gives you any sort of advantage in life?

2. Read Romans 3:9-19 do you think of your self as being accountable to God? If so, when did you first embrace this reality and why?

3. Do you think the Gospel has more to do the the righteousness of God, the righteousness of man, or the sinfulness of man? Why? Can we accurately preach the Gospel without any of these three elements? Please, explain.

4. When you think about the cross how frequently do you think in terms of "propitiation?" What does that term mean to you? How have you experienced it in your life and what illustrations might you use to share the concept with someone who has never heard that word before?

5. In Romans 3:26 Paul calls God "just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus." What are some of your favorite names of God. How do you most often refer to Him when talking to people about Him? How do you most often refer to Him when praying?

6. Romans 3:28 seems to be a very important statement. Have you ever been taught the "basics of the Christian faith?" Does your church have a catechism, a membership class, a new believers class, or any other program that helps people understand the basics? If so, how do you teach the basics to the members of your church/community?

7. Recently I have been spending a lot of time thinking about the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. Does your church ever recite or teach these creeds to the members of your congregation?

8. If you were going to encourage a person to start reading the Bible for themselves, what would you say? Are there any specific tools you might give them to help them as they get started?

9. What is was your favorite verse in Romans 3 and why?

10. Do you have any specific questions or prayer requests after reading Romans 3?

We use our Basic Bible Reading plan to guide the discussions in this group.

You are not required to purchase one of our plans to be part of this group but, if you would like to get one for yourself or one of your friends you can do so by following this link to our online store:



Romans 4:1-6


Romans 2:5-8